Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Crazy Talk.

Don't you hate when people talk crazy talk?

People talk about losing their mind as if it's some sort of new found freedom. Once your mind is lost, it's almost like a free pass, a get out of jail free card or the ultimate inhibitor-killer.

This is not so.

Once your mind is lost, you're gone for better or for worse. I speak from first-hand experience.

Oh, they also lock you up and force you sit outside in gardens. Even when your medication is the kind that sedates you worse than a hit of rophynol. Take you away from your family and friends...take away all your rights and treat all the words that come out of your mouth the same way a person would treat an infant trying to talk. It's just babble to them.

You are in hell, plain and simple.

I fucking hate crazy talkers.